Our holiday visit to Tiger's brought exactly this situation.
English: Jayco slide out kitchen area (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
We are still buying the RV, still intending to live in it full-time, but we will be settling down close to where Bear and Tiger live and Draco will try for job welding with Bear and we will travel when Draco gets vacation time.
I'm really not as upset about this most recent change in plans as I feel I should be.
It's true, I was excited about living a more carefree life and seeing the world, but I suppose as I've gotten older, my ability to roll with the punches life sends me has improved. It's probably a good thing, because the last few months has felt like a damn roller coaster!
Honestly, I was also looking forward to finally being closer to my sister and the rest of my family and it was a sacrifice. One I was willing to make for Draco, but still a sacrifice.
Honestly though, he seems to be content with the idea and as long as he is happy, I will be happy as well.
So, Draco spent part of the holidays parked in front of Tiger's computer (we didn't take one with us), daydreaming about future RV upgrades, and even found us a few we both liked that were fairly reasonable. Looks like once we get this RV set up and ready to go, we'll be saving our asses off to upgrade to something nicer, and bigger!
In other news, Christmas with family was a smashing success and we had a blast! Even though I'm sure most, if not all, of our Christmas was bought before we decided to buy the RV, most of our gifts will be perfect for the new place! I'm so excited to get it paid for and all set up!
Of course, it will be a little bit of an adjustment going into such a small space, but honestly, we've been traveling light for about 4 years now, so we really don't have a whole lot. Most of our possessions seem to be in the form of craft supplies, and that's only going to get worse, lol!
Well, I think that about catches things up for now other than our roommate had her phone stolen last night at work. Hopefully she'll come home with a replacement phone since she's gone to the police department to file a report and on to her phone company to report it stolen.